innovative design-led research collaboration
2013-14 / with the University of Sheffield, Ash Sakula Architects and Design For Homes

Employed by the University of Sheffield and seconded to architectural practice Ash Sakula Architects, Sam collaborated on the production of a short film and website that collected, curated and introduced information about collective forms of self-provided housing and argued the case for greater support for this type of development. The project was launched in the UK parliament in 2014.

The six-month project - called ‘Motivating Collective Custom Build’ - was part of the wider 'Home Improvements' research project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) that tested and appraised different ways that academic institutions can collaborate with the housing industry in order to enrich research output and establish meaningful and productive applications of findings.

A full copy of the Motivating Collective Custom Build report can be found here.
The Home Improvements project final report can be downloaded here.

The website housed a short animated film that ‘peeled back’ as it progressed to introduce rigorously researched background information. Users can select resources to be emailed to themselves or colleagues.

Ideas about how collective custom build housing could help meet local policy objectives were tested in a design-led workshop format focused on real sites, conducted in collaboration with real stakeholders including local council officers, housing association development directors and private developers.